Sweet baby momma: Rainie

R Ruuka’s Blog Sweet baby momma: Rainie Born: January 5th, 2018 Rainie’s story Meet Rainie, my sweet 2 year-old cat whom I adopted back in February. I think it took me this long to finally post about it is due to the lingering guilt I had about getting a new cat after I lost Rengo…

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Rengo’s kittenhood

R Ruuka’s Blog Rengo’s Kittenhood April 14th, 2017 Bringing Rengo home changed my life. The joy of holding a small, fragile kitten in my arms and calling it mine is an incredible feeling. It suddenly became surreal that this little life is in my hands, depending on me becoming a healthy, well-raised cat. I remember…

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The Queen’s Arrival: Reina

R Ruuka’s Blog The Queen’s Arrival: Reina Born: April 16th, 2017 Reina’s story Coming soon! Back to Home Contact Me Socially Awkward © 2024 Ruuka.net

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Captain America

R Ruuka’s Blog Captain America (Cosplay) November 5th, 2016 For Montreal’s Geekfest, it was taken placed at Maisonneuve, and being the natural procrastinator I am, I rushed the captain america cosplay with the shield done from scratch in just 1 day- hence the really crappy close-up quality haha! But hey, it looks fine from far…

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