November 5th, 2016
For Montreal's Geekfest, it was taken placed at Maisonneuve, and being the natural procrastinator I am, I rushed the captain america cosplay with the shield done from scratch in just 1 day- hence the really crappy close-up quality haha! But hey, it looks fine from far away, so keep your distance :^)

Overall, it was a really fun experience! It isn't as big as Otakuthon or Comiccon, but a lot of people participated and everyone was friendly. I had a blast in the board game/video game room where it was pretty much like a Randolph (Board game bar) but more retro, with old school Mario games and such. I had a real great time reminiscing playing one of my first Nintendo games, Mario World 3. Incoming: Nerd Alert!

I even met a girl that I heard over the internet and she heard about me through the internet too, what are the chances. I ran into her in the merchandise room at her panel where she sold these really cute handmade crotchets that she made herself. I couldn't resist and purchased a bomb-omb keychain from her 🙂 Her facebook page is Kawaii Stitch Shop, definitely worth checking out.